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Meet James R. Hallam
James R. Hallam has been committed to a life of service for over 60 years as a United Methodist minister, a dean of students, a professor, and most recently, a township supervisor. Jim believes that the roots of human fulfillment lie in our relationships with self and others and sees Jesus of Nazareth as the ultimate role model for a meaningful life on earth. He holds a D.Div. from Drew University, an M.A. in counseling from the University of Pennsylvania, and a B.A. from Dickinson College. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Jim lives in Newtown Square, PA with his wonderful wife, Kerry. Between them, they have seven adult children and one very special dog.
About the book
How will you use your gifts?
Human Gifts is a book about the innate capacities that lie within each of us and how, through developing and sharing them, we can find personal meaning and fulfill our potential in the world.
Drawing on a lifetime of experience as a minister, teacher, administrator, counselor, and father, author James R. Hallam uses lessons from the bible, contemporary culture, and his own personal history to illuminate the nature of gifts ranging from love and compassion to generosity and legacy. While uplifting the wisdom of various world luminaries and the examples set by everyday people he has known, Hallam contends that the life and teachings of Jesus demonstrate most profoundly what it means to be a gift giver.
Human Gifts reminds Christian readers what it means to follow the Jesus way in practice. But its message is not limited to those of a particular religious affiliation. Hallam’s humanistic perspective and appeal to shared humanity hold something for any reader seeking a sense of purpose, a feeling of connection, and a promise of hope in uncertain times.

Our Mission & Approach for Guided Reflections
Human Gifts: Guided Reflections is a workbook and a companion to the book, Human Gifts. Jesus of Nazareth is our model for one who authentically lived the human gifts. Structured questions will guide you through a self conversation about your innate capacities, ranging from love and compassion to generosity and legacy. You are encouraged to be open and honest as you perform an inner inventory. Such a process will, hopefully, lead you to new insights about self and others, reaffirm your strengths, or prompt changes in your ideas and behaviors. As you become aware of your inner gifts, you will be challenged to develop and share them. Our goal is to use our inner gifts to transform ourselves, others, and the larger world.
Guided workbook coming soon!